Rene Lernon
(1921 – 2007)​
French Art Network is honored to offer a select number of paintings from
the Lernon family's collection of work by master Impressionist,
Rene Lernon.
Reconnecting to our roots, and harkening back to our inception as a company committed to bringing the best and the brightest artists to the world, we are
delighted to be able to offer a few, select pieces from an artist who inspired
the launch of our company. Rene’s work graced our walls at the start of it all, and
we are excited to share his genius with you again at the same price points as
when we offered his work just a few years ago.
Until his passing on November 24, 2007, Rene Lernon, the highly acclaimed Normandy impressionist, continued to paint in Rouen. Only a stroke, suffered a decade earlier, slowed his once prolific output. To the select few who acquire his pieces each year, Rene's talent and magic a growing pleasure. Lernon was the last in a painting lineage that included Bouden, Junkind, and Monet: generations of French painters who nurtured the marvelous scenes of Normandy. Rene has paid back his artistic debts: younger Normandy artists such as Bouju and Dubord have taken his interpretation and continued from there. As the last Normandy master of the 20th century, Lernon's career saw many highs, and he won numerous awards throughout the world during his lifetime.
1er Grand Prix Paysages au 37e Grand Prix International de Deauville
Mention Speciale Excellent au Grand Prix International de Deauville
Mention Speciale Paysages au 38e Grand Prix International de Deauville
1er grand Prix Fleurs au 38e Grand Prix International de Deauville
1er grand Prix au 10e Grand Prix des 7 Collines de Rome Mention Speciale au Grand Prix International de la Cote d’Azur a Cannes
1er Grand Prix Fleurs au 39e Grand Prix International de Deauville
Grand Finaliste au Grand Prix International de la Cote d’Azur a Cannes
Selectionne Artistes Contemporains a Bale
Selectionne Artistes Contemporains a Londres
2e Grand Prix Paysages au Grand Prix International de Deauville
1er Grand Prix Natures Mortes au Grand Prix International de Deauville
1er Grand Prix Paysages au Grand Prix International de Deauville
1er Prix de la Cote des Arts
Mention speciale Grand Prix International de Deauville
Nature Morte, Fleurs
Selectionne pour l’exposition de l’Ambassade de France a Washington
Achats en collections privees Japon et USA

10F 18 1/8 x 21 11/16 inches oil on linen painting #23588

12F (19 11/16 x 24 1/16 inches) oil on linen #23589

15F (21 1/4 x 25 5/8 inches) oil on linen #23590

20F (23 5/8 x 28 3/4 inches) oil on linen #23591

20F (28 3/4 x 23 5/8 inches) oil on linen #23592

20F (23 5/8 x 28 3/4 inches) oil on linen #23593

25F (25 5/8 x 31 15/16 inches) oil on linen #23595